


“The aim of the Association for Social Economy and Lifelong Learning (A.S.E.L. RO) is to preserve, study and promote the common social interests of its members, in the context of public service.

Our General Goal is to develop the Social Economy and implement innovative lifelong learning activities. More specifically, the specific objectives of the Association for Social Economy and Lifelong Learning are the following:

  1. The promotion of innovation,
  2. The promotion of education at all levels,
  3. The identification and promotion of best practices,
  4. The development of research, expertise, and innovation,
  5. The representation of its members in all Public and Private Bodies,
  6. The implementation of public works,
  7. The promotion of actions to support innovation in enterprises for their modernization and development,
  8. The expansion of their business networking and knowledge base,
  9. The preparation of proposals and management of EU programs, as well as those of Romanian Ministries,
  10. To participate in research projects,
  11. To update and inform members on developments in National, European and international level,
  12. The cooperation and synergies with bodies of social economy for the dissemination of good practices and promotion of joint projects with Municipalities, Public and social bodies with the final objective to develop the social economy,
  13. Planning and implementing community service projects with collaborating bodies and Regional Authorities,
  14. The promotion of Social Economy,
  15. The implementation of environmental protection and environmental awareness actions and information,
  16. The implementation of actions for the protection of cultural heritage,
  17. The promotion of actions for development of tourism and tourism promotion,
  18. The combat against unemployment and social exclusion,
  19. The enhancement of the value of environmental protection and renewable energy resources in Romania and Europe,
  20. The diffusion of innovation in the European area.”


Partner 2

“LUMEN is youth non-governmental organization established in spring of 2000 with the aim to improve the quality of life of young people in Ludbreg town and northwest region of Croatia and to bring their social inclusion and activism to a higher level. Our main objectives to develop cultural, democratic, social and ecological conscience among youth, to encourage cooperation of young people with different interests and activities and to increase influence of young people on work of local community. We continued with our goals from past years as we managed to help young people from Ludbreg and Croatia to see different parts of Europe and world, to volunteer and learn through different programs. By this we want to empower youth, giving them tools and skills for future life and raise their sense of European identity. Our main principles are connected with environmental sustainability, responsibility, inclusion, diversity and active participation.

Through our activities we raised identity of Lumen over our local borders and as a lot of youth from whole Croatia participated in our festival or activities more than half of participants on our projects and partnerships are outside Ludbreg area. We started with youth and projects in Ludbreg and surrounding area but as we started to be active in international activities our volunteers had left trace all around the world, from Colombia to Georgia. LUMEN has also connected with local NGOs so it’s not uncommon that we have activities in nearby cities like Varaždin, Koprivnica, Legrad, Novi Marof or Varaždinske Toplice.

Through more than 70 partnerships in ERASMUS+ program our young members and youth workers participated in activities in more than 40 countries. In 2012 LUMENs volunteers participated in International festival of volunteers in Tunisia, helping and rebuilding surrounding area of city of Monastir. In 2019 our members participated in MasterPeace project and street art festival in Medellin, Colombia.

To achieve all that, we organize cultural, ecological, educational and other events, we promote Humanitarian work through many actions and cooperation with other organizations, weinform young people about important topics, encourage their inclusion in discussion and solving various problems in our community and we cooperate with other similar associations in our country and wider. We aim to educate young people in mentioned areas in order to give them opportunity to spread everything they have learned. Together with young people we create project applications through different funds.”


Partner 3

“uDevelop  was created to empower and support individuals, children, youth and adults, into their quest for a better world in terms of education, training, self development and participation pursuits. uDevelop visions a world in which every individual attains the right to education, development and participation.

uDevelop works with communities to increase public awareness, improve, develop and ultimately help create a society based on inclusion and innovation. Our mission is to transform our culture by educating, inspiring, and mobilizing a global community to create real change.

uDevelop works in different fields of intervention to increase public awareness and to help create opportunities and prospects for all individuals. Therefore, we are working in the following fields:

  • Environmental protection and climate change
  • Non-formal education and training
  • Vocational training
  • Entrepreneurship and youth entrepreneurship empowerment
  • Circular economy
  • Social inclusion and social innovation
  • Refugees, migrants and immigrants inclusion
  • Civic engagement, civic rights and democracy issues
  • Gender equality
  • Human rights, tolerance and international understanding
  • Sports, Culture and Leisure
  • People with disabilities
  • Disadvantaged groups in need of protection and support

uDevelop has an experienced team in the development and implementation of EU and national funded projects, who have the abilities, skills, knowledge and know-how to support any type of project. “


Partner 4

“Fraternitas started as a small informal group of young people who met at university and where going to youth exchanges abroad organize by the local university. A few members of this group decided to take this venture a step forward and decided to start up an NGO to give the opportunities they had to other youths. Apart from this these youth also wanted to work for and promote the values that they shared.

As Fraternitas our main goal is to promote and implement youth exchange projects within Erasmus+ programme. We want to give people with fewer opportunities to learn and meet their peers from different countries in a different community than ours, so that they can grow from these experiences.

Our mission is: – Working on behalf of international cooperation between local communities and different social groups in the aspect of youth exchange – promoting active participation in a social life among local communities – organizing cultural, informative, educational and sport events to promote local and international partnership-building activities.

We have taken part in a number of youth exchanges and training courses and lately have also successfully implemented our projects which took place in September 2015 and July 2016. We are also part of the Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs programme.”


Partner 5

“The Social Innovation and Cohesion Institute (Fifty-Fifty) is a civil society organization (CSO) that aims to promote lifelong learning and transnational initiatives for young people, adult learners, and professionals through non-formal education. The organization’s main vision is to develop innovation for implementation at the level of civil society and contribute to social cohesion.

Fifty-Fifty’s scope of work is centered on promoting lifelong learning and transnational initiatives through non-formal education. Its main objective is to develop innovation that can be implemented at the level of civil society and contribute to social cohesion. To achieve this, the organization focuses on several areas of activity, including:

  1. Lifelong Learning: Fifty-Fifty aims to promote lifelong learning and initiatives of transnational aspects specifically addressed to young people, adult learners, and professionals through non-formal education. It offers various workshops, seminars, and studies in different areas, such as entrepreneurship, human rights, and active citizenship.
  2. Equal Learning Opportunities: The organization focuses on promoting equal learning opportunities, especially for those who are marginalized or underprivileged. It works towards bridging the gap between the haves and the have-nots by providing access to education and training to people who would not otherwise have the opportunity to learn.
  3. Human Rights: Fifty-Fifty places a high value on promoting human rights. The organization believes that everyone is entitled to dignity, respect, and equal treatment, regardless of their race, gender, or background. It aims to cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship and the development of people’s abilities.
  4. Intercultural Dialogue: Fifty-Fifty also promotes intercultural dialogue and knowledge exchange to enhance European awareness. It encourages people from different cultural backgrounds to come together, share their experiences, and learn from one another.
  5. Mobility: The organization is actively involved in projects related to mobility, such as exchange programs and study visits. These programs provide individuals with the opportunity to experience different cultures and gain new perspectives.
  6. Volunteerism: Fifty-Fifty values the importance of volunteering and regularly organizes volunteer training. The organization’s volunteer team consists of more than 60 members who work to promote its goals and objectives.
  7. Digital Skills: Fifty-Fifty launches initiatives related to digital skills development, by providing non-formal education opportunities for individuals to learn digital skills such as coding, website development, digital marketing, social media management, and data analysis. The organization provide workshops, training sessions, and seminars focused on digital skills development for young people, adult learners and professionals.
  8. Green Skills: Fifty-Fifty foster initiatives related to the environment and renewable energy, by providing non-formal education opportunities for individuals to learn about sustainable development and renewable energy sources. These initiatives include workshops, seminars, and training sessions focused on raising awareness about climate change and promoting sustainable practices in communities.”


Partner 6

“Cooperative Initiative Jeunes (CIJ) is a public interest cooperative established implemented in several regions Corsica, PACA, Guadeloupe, Guyana, where young adults unemployment rate is among 25% and the creation of activities find an interest among many young people who wish to express their talents.

The cooperative implements collaborative educational projects in disadvantaged areas, with a specific focus on the so-called “sensitive urban zones” often presented as areas which combine multiple difficulties. These projects help youth to develop the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship (SIE) and to learn about their own cooperative, offering services to the people of the territories.

CIJ implements its activities in the field of social and solidarity economy and in tight partnership with State services, local and regional authorities for the implementation of policies related to employment, integration, training and more specifically those dedicated to the development of activities and enterprises Nowaday, CIJ involves more than 15 professionals supporting among 200 project beneficiaries across its programs. As the initiative was successful, 2 other locations were created in Dom-Tom (Guadeloupe and Guyana) involving 10 staff and supporting more than 100 young people within each educational program.

The cooperative introduces people to the democratic functioning of a company, to the organisation of labour, cooperative management and operation of the market. They are supported by facilitators, a local committee which brings together professionals in employment, cooperatives, actors of social and solidarity economy sector. Supported by an experienced and skilled regional network, CIJ develops and promotes multidisciplinary approaches based on the transfer of know-how and the articulation between theoretical and practical activities where learners are put into a real-life situation, which helps them to develop skills and knowledge. Its expertise is based on cooperative pedagogy and new technologies (in particular, the internet and ICT) to provide students, young people and trainers with tools that can be used to improve the teaching-learning process. CIJ is also recognized as training centre and apprenticeship centre and develops innovative training. Our young entrepreneurs deliver hands-on educational programs (even for self- taught learners) but also develop tools for training and for raising awareness. Its expertise is based on cooperative pedagogy and the use of new technologies in the learning process. Moreover, CIJ is creating within its learning activities novel spaces for reflexivity and experimentation.

In particular, CIJ activities aims to develop the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, promote empowerment and active citizenship, strengthen open and digital integration in the areas of learning, education, training and youth. CIJ works in partnership with the Regional Youth Information Centre (CRIJ – Bastia)., Economic Development Agencies of Communities of municipalities, urban agglomeration, Regions, Caisse des Dépots et Consignation -CDC- (Deposit and Loans Fund ), Banque Pour l'Investissement – BPI (Bank for Investment).”


Partner 7

“Positive YOUth is a non-profit organisation striving to bring more positivity to the youths through self-development opportunities for local communities, with special attention to less privileged youths from remote areas. We are looking for diverse self-development tools to support the innovative non- formal education method of mindfulness and work on changing our busy and trouble seeking mentalities, starting with one single individual-YOU. Core tools we are using in our non formal education activities are movement and outdoor activities. Positivity is a source of physical well-being, tranquility, happiness and success which describes the best our philosophy – to become the best versions of ourselves in order to inspire the peers and build supportive youth communities for the happy future. Positive YOUth, both as an organization and as staff members have participated, written and organised numerous Erasmus+ training courses in Europe as well as participated/organised nature based mindfulness training in Thailand. We are committed to the belief that all humans are equal and the main need for all of us is to be content and at peace. Our vision is to together grow supportive communities of youths, committed to lifelong intergenerational learning and self-development in order to live a positive, mindful and happy life respecting each other and surroundings. Therefore, besides empowering communities, our staff is constantly working on their own development together with the group in order to be at service for the youths.

Expertise: Positive YOUth uses non formal and informal tools of self-development, with special expertise in mindfulness, meditation, yoga, coaching done through movement and outdoor activities (which is a desire in swedish nature). Our team is certified as yoga trainers, mindfulness trainers, mentors and coaches.”

“The main goal of the European Youth Association is integration of young people in contemporary social trends, as well as active involvement of young people in all spheres of social life and their influence in the decision making process at local, national and regional levels. European Youth Association that encourages dynamic society with active engagement and participation of young people, encourages youth support of SEE region and supports new ways of expressing the views of young people. European Youth Association is a unique mix of proactivity, inspiration and belief of young people who transform Macedonia, the Balkans region, Europe and the world.



Partner 8

European Youth Association is fully devoted to fulfilling its vision, mission and statute, by developing and implementing innovative initiatives. We together continuously invest time, knowledge and energy in order to achieve our vision.We are young people working with young people through both peer-to-peer education and mass communication supported by youth leaders. Our mission is to empower young people to change their community.”

contact us

Bucharest, Romania