
  • Empower young people to actively participate in EU policy-making and democratic processes.
  • Foster critical thinking and analytical skills to address populism and understand representative and participatory democracies.
  • Increase youth participation in European procedures and decision-making processes.
  • Develop a sense of youth ownership, responsibility, and engagement in shaping EU policies.
  • Create a space for dialogue and interaction between young people and decision-makers in Europe.
  • Build youth capacity in policy-making skills and provide training opportunities.
  • Promote transnational cooperation and partnerships among youth organizations.
  • Enhance understanding of European youth policies and their political foundations.
  • Establish networks, exchanges, and joint projects among young people from different European countries.
  • Contribute to the European Union’s goals of fostering youth participation in democratic life, social engagement, and empowerment.

contact us

Bucharest, Romania

